We now live in a world of distraction; the cult of diversity equity and inclusion, immigration, NetZero and energy propaganda, obfuscated information, too much information, the weaponisation of information, and underpinning it all, a complete and utter inability of people to hold anyone in public life accountable for anything, including having no idea of how to act in the interest of the people.
The use of hydrocarbons (coal, oil and gas) continues to grow globally making other countries more wealthy whilst Briton’s get poorer and colder. Britain’s naive race to “decarbonise” has allowed other countries to raise their living standards and health outcomes, whilst ours decline.
Mae ymrwymiad Llywodraeth y DU yn 2019 i gyflawni allyriadau nwyon tŷ gwydr sero net erbyn 2050 yn ymddangos, ar yr olwg gyntaf, yn nod clodwiw. Wedi’r cyfan, pwy na fyddai eisiau aer glanach ar gyfer gwell iechyd a llai o gynhesu byd-eang?