Reform UK Bangor Aberconwy Blog & News
This blog contains personal opinions & views of Reform UK members, not official Reform Party policy.
To see Official Reform UK Party policy, please visit Reform UK Party Policy.
A recent analysis of BBC news coverage in early 2025 suggests a significant disparity in how the public broadcaster reports on different political parties, with Reform UK receiving notably harsher treatment compared to other parties.
That to seek truth, with integrity, we must be prepared to change as the facts change, and stand ready to rebuild the narrative we have thus far formulated.
We now live in a world of distraction; the cult of diversity equity and inclusion, immigration, NetZero and energy propaganda, obfuscated information, too much information, the weaponisation of information, and underpinning it all, a complete and utter inability of people to hold anyone in public life accountable for anything, including having no idea of how to act in the interest of the people.
We must look into new Nurse training to encourage people into Nursing, whilst nor forgetting , Nursing is a Practical skill backed up with knowledge.
Nuclear power provides consistent output, which renewable energy sources struggle with, and occupies less space when compared to the size of windfarms.
Who voted for low-wage immigrants over cancer treatment for British citizens?
…redundant services include BBC Food, which currently hosts a gratuitous 152 pancake recipes among countless other duplicative content. While existing recipes could remain online at minimal cost, there’s no justification for pumping out the 153rd pancake recipe.
The use of hydrocarbons (coal, oil and gas) continues to grow globally making other countries more wealthy whilst Briton’s get poorer and colder. Britain’s naive race to “decarbonise” has allowed other countries to raise their living standards and health outcomes, whilst ours decline.
The UK Government’s 2019 commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 appears, at first glance, to be an admirable goal. After all, who wouldn’t want cleaner air for better health and reduced global warming?
Mass immigration is the means by which successive British governments since 1997 have pathetically sought to grow the economy. The effect of this disastrously misguided policy has already led to an economic and social crisis and could yet lead to the impoverishment of us all.
Our children are too important for their education to be left to the state, particularly one bent on socialist woke indoctrination. It’s time to reform education!
Remember that the globalists are not our friends. They are the elitists who want total control. Most of the problems we currently face such as Immigration, Climate change, Cultural erosion, Cashless society, etc. are simply enablers to impoverish us and achieve it.
It also seems that the charge of “Two-Tier Keir”, is proven unless, of course, there really has been a Damascene conversion on the road to No. 10 and all rioters, irrespective of their political leaning, will hereafter be hit hard by an impartial police force not in thrall to any particular community or political cause.
Some might think that casting black people to play white historical figures and the misrepresentation of evolutionary facts to early-learning children is just an inconsequential recognition of the multi-cultural society that Britain now is. I beg to differ. For me the factual truth and accuracy of information, particularly when presented to children in their formative years, is absolutely essential.
The outcome of the General Election has highlighted as never before the democratic travesty of the first-past-the-post (FPTP) system of voting in our General Elections.
Thank you to everyone who attended and to everyone who is supporting us locally. Also thank you to Jamie Orange, North Clwyd PPC, who joined us for our meeting.