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Reform UK Bangor Aberconwy Blog & News

This blog contains personal opinions & views of Reform UK members, not official Reform Party policy.
To see Official Reform UK Party policy, please visit Reform UK Party Policy.

23 Feb: The End of an Era

We now live in a world of distraction; the cult of diversity equity and inclusion, immigration, NetZero and energy propaganda, obfuscated information, too much information, the weaponisation of information, and underpinning it all, a complete and utter inability of people to hold anyone in public life accountable for anything, including having no idea of how to act in the interest of the people.

Kier Starmer taking the knee
12 Aug: Two-Tier Keir

It also seems that the charge of “Two-Tier Keir”, is proven unless, of course, there really has been a Damascene conversion on the road to No. 10 and all rioters, irrespective of their political leaning, will hereafter be hit hard by an impartial police force not in thrall to any particular community or political cause.

11 Jul: White actor to play Muhammad Ali !

Some might think that casting black people to play white historical figures and the misrepresentation of evolutionary facts to early-learning children is just an inconsequential recognition of the multi-cultural society that Britain now is. I beg to differ. For me the factual truth and accuracy of information, particularly when presented to children in their formative years, is absolutely essential.